Foreplay Radio

Couples & Sex Therapy

Helping couples keep it hot!


A couples and sex therapy podcast with experts

having the real conversations about love and sex

. . . that you’ve always wanted to have.

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Featured Episode

Episode 437: Relationship Blocks and Stoppers

Welcome Foreplay listeners to another episode in our school of love series. Our residential relationship experts share with us the 4 things that stop progress and connection in relationships. The three A’s abuse, addiction, affair and finally a partner not willing to take enough of a risk to re-connect. Join George and Laurie as they succinctly breakdown these roadblocks to connection and share what needs to happen first if any are present in your relationship. Our hosts remind us that safety in EFT is paramount and we can only get closer when there is a shared level of safety between partners. This episode is a must listen if you are facing any of these factors that may make connection impossible. Tune in today with an open mind and heart and another reminder that you are not alone!


Sex is one of the greatest adventures in a relationship. It makes us feel alive. It can connect our bodies, brains and hearts. In fact, sexual and emotional intimacy are intertwined; we need both to be happy. With too little eroticism – our relationship is dull and with too little emotional connection – sex is mechanical. Most of us don’t know how to find this balance. And talking about our sexual needs is so risky. We might cause a conflict; we might be judged; we might not even know what our needs are. Join us, as two expert therapists have a frank, fun and informative conversation to help you keep it hot! – Sex Therapist, Dr. Laurie Watson, PhD, LMFT


The best four letter word for intimacy is not fuck but talk. Swinging from the highs of passion to the lows of rejection, sex offers us plenty to engage with and talk about. It can trigger what is best and worst in our relationships. Yet most of us find it difficult to discuss – especially outside the bedroom. I want to take away the stigma of talking about sex and instead celebrate its glorious design to enrich our lives. To truly capture the opportunity for growth in intimacy – let’s talk about sex, baby!   – Couples Therapist, George Faller, LMFT

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